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Studies in Romans - Part 2

Studies in Romans - Part 2

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Studies in Romans - Part 1: 26 Lessons for Personal or Group Study

by Jack Cottrell

"You will remember that Volume 1 covered the first eight chapters of Romans, and you will notice that this volume covers the last eight chapters. The dividing point between chapters eight and nine is very convenient from the publishing point of view (i.e., two fairly even volumes), but it is also logically and theologically appropriate. In a real sense, the first eight chapters of Romans could form a stand-alone theological unit. It is a wonderful essay on the essential doctrine of grace.The last eight chapters, however, could not very well stand alone. In several ways they grow out of the first eight chapters of this letter, and fill some gaps that could be left in our minds after we have digested that grand eight-chapter explanation of grace. Thus we can better understand chapters 9-16 after we have studied chapters 1-8. In chapters 9-16 we will find two main themes that grow out of the previous chapters. The first of these is a question about the nation of Israel: if salvation is now to be completely understood around the saving works of Jesus Christ, where does this leave the nation of Israel? How does Israel fit into God’s plan, now that the Messiah has come and Moses’s work is done? ..."(Extracted from the Preface)

365 Pages

Available in audiobook format on Amazon and Audible.

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