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Pick the Brighter Tulip

Pick the Brighter Tulip

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Pick the Brighter Tulip: There Is An Alternative to Calvinism

by Alger Fitch

Churches today are practicing doctrines believing that they are directly from Scripture. They do not realize that those doctrines can be traced to John Calvin a few hundred years ago. These doctrines have subtly been accepted by many unsuspecting congregations without protest from any of the members, or even more surprising, from any of the church leaders

Alger Fitch has written this study guide to reexamine such doctrines as "once saved always saved," "total depravity," "limited atonement," "irresistible grace," and others that have been believed by many Christians simply out of tradition. Fitch offers an alternative to "Calvinism," well known for the acronym TULIP. He calls it the brighter TULIP." You are invited to pick the better, the more reasonable, the more biblical TULIP.

You will enjoy the challenge to search the Scriptures to see if this alternative TULIP is true. If it is, we ought to share the new bouquet with others who are still convinced of Calvinism. But, we should offer it with a loving spirit as Priscilla and Aquila did in teaching Apollos more accurately about the good news of Jesus. After all, we are all pilgrims learning the wonders of God's grace.

75 pages

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