1, 2, & 3 John - What Really Matters
1, 2, & 3 John - What Really Matters
Dr. Shane Capps
How do love and truth go together? Some Christians think that holding to the truth of God's word gets in the way of loving people. Other Christians think that all that matters is holding to the truth and loving people has nothing to do with it. We will learn in our study of 1-3 John how a Christian can love people while holding firmly to the truth of God's word.
Our study will also answer another important question. Can Christians really know the truth for themselves? We will learn in our study of 1-3 John what truth is and how we can know it for ourselves. Pilate said to Jesus, "What is truth?" John 18:38 Come let's find out what truth is, so we can be the Christian we are called to be, in love.
234 Pages
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About the Author
Dr. Shane Capps is a graduate of Louisville Bible College, Louisville, KY with a Certificate, Associate, and Bachelor of Sacred Literature. He earned a Master of Sacred Literature from Summit Theological Seminary, Peru, IN, and a Doctorate of Biblical Studies with a major in Biblical Preaching from Master’s International School of Divinity, Evansville, IN; and a Doctoral Certificate with a major in Preaching from Trinity College of the Bible, Newburgh, IN.
Dr. Capps has been in the full-time preaching ministry for 24 years. During this time, he has held three located ministries and has preached in over twelve states. He has conducted numerous revivals, men's clinics, and family camps. In addition, he is a Bible and History Professor at Summit Theological Seminary.