Cults and the Occult (Vol. 16)

Cults and the Occult (Vol. 16)

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Cults and the Occult

by Jack Cottrell

"This present volume is divided into two parts, both of which deal with explaining and refuting false teachings. I take very seriously Paul’s inspired instructions to church elders and leaders in Titus 1:9, that they must “be able both to exhort in sound doctrine and to refute those who contradict.” The contents of this book fall into the latter category. In my nearly forty-nine-year career as a seminary professor, I taught many courses that qualify as exhorting in sound doctrine; but I also taught several that focused on refuting those who contradict it. For many years I taught a two-credit course on “Theology of the Cults”, and I also taught a one-credit course on occultism. Some of that material has been worked into this volume."~ Jack Cottrell (From the Preface)

200 Pages

Available in audiobook format on Amazon and Audible.

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