The Church - A Trilogy by Bob Shannon, John Wade, Enos Dowling

The Church - A Trilogy

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The Church - A Trilogy

This volume is important for a generation that has learned “how” but not always “why.” It is easy for the church to go through the motions without having real thought or understanding. These books deal with the basics which have been forgotten and are not often taught today. Reprinted here are three books that “did not reach a wide enough readership at the time of original publication.”

THE NEW TESTAMENT CHURCH by Robert C. Shannon contains thirteen lessons that deal with the nature and ministry of the church as found in the New Testament.

THE CHURCH THROUGH THE CENTURIES by John W. Wade contains the same number of lessons and covers the high points (and some of the low points) in the life of the church from the beginning until the present.

THE RESTORATION MOVEMENT by Enos E. Dowling reveals one of the most exciting movements in the history of the church and calls for a return to biblical authority in the life of the church. The Appendix adds a comprehensive but truncated account of The Restoration Association and its significant contributions to the life of the church.

The format of this book makes it appropriate for anyone or any group. We predict that this will be a very important part of your personal library.

461 Pages